Zend Studio_百度百科
Zend Studio是Zend Technologies公司开发的PHP语言集成开发环境(IDE)。除了有强大的PHP开发支持外也支持HTML、js、CSS,但只对PHP语言提供调试支持。
Zend Studio 程式開發
Develop PHP Apps with Zend Studio. Zend Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for PHP 5.5 and newer. With this PHP IDE, you gain tools for: ...
Zend Studio - RUMOTAN 儒墨堂
Zend Studio是Zend Technologies開發的PHP語言集成開發環境(Integrated Development Environment IDE)。也支持HTML和js標籤,但只對PHP語言提供調試 ...
Download Zend Studio
A professional-grade development environment that includes PHP code editing, debugging, profiling, unit testing, diagnostics and more.
Zend Studio PHP IDE
Code faster with an intelligent code editor. Develop using PHP 7.1, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Use popular source control, framework, and cloud options.
Zend Studio
Zend Studio是Zend Technologies开发的用于PHP语言的商用专有集成开发环境,基于PHP开发工具和Eclipse平台。与其配套的Zend Server是Zend Studio的预集成应用栈,使开发 ...
Zend Studio
Zend Studio是Zend Technologies開發的用於PHP語言的商用專有集成開發環境,基於PHP開發工具和Eclipse平台。與其配套的Zend Server是Zend Studio的預集成應用棧,使開發 ...